Monday, September 29, 2008

Lily Allen Leaks Her Own Music..

Forget the Madonna style of promoting music ie get all unofficial videos pulled down off You Tube faster than the fans can put them up. The world is changing people and it’s so refreshing to have young musicians like Lily Allen that understand that!
‘Eaaasssyy peoples, So, I'm a blondie and loving it and I've been working hard in the studio. I posted a couple of new songs on the player for you all to have a listen to and get an idea of my new direction, they are just at a demo stage so don't be too hard on them. I'll probably swap some others around and play you stuff as I do it in the studio, like i did last time round. And ther'll also be a new mixtape soon, I hope you enjoy this shizzle. Aiiight, big kisss, lil x x’
You can listen to Lily’s new tracks HERE.

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